James Lui says:
Hi all! Finally after weeks of no life-ing 8 to 6 in school, my FYP is finally coming to an end! I am more or less finished with my project and am currently preparing for my wk 12 "exhibition". I shall now bore you with what I have done for the past weeks! Haha...
During the first 3 weeks, I have been asked to continue developing a game for NYP's Open House! *applause pls!*
After this part, I next create a simulation using Flash that allow a user to select a target on a LIVE video screen and a vehicle mounted with the camera that is streaming the video to move to the targeted point. OMG headache!
Haha, but luckily the simulation is close to completion and FYP has made me more familiar with actionscripting.Luckily for me, FYP is fun because I was blessed with fun and helpful DTs who helped me solve errors when I am brain dead from all the thinking. Joke with us to relieve us of stress!
Ok! 6pm already! Time to go home! Bye!
Teresa Wee says:
A warm greeting to everyone!Currently doing my Final Year Project @ Blk S.435. Another 17 days LEFT (w/o weekend) to the end of my FYP. Can say that I'm happy and also sad about it.
Well, I'm happy because I'm going to finish my project soon. And sad because I'm leaving NYP and my dear poly friends soon. 12 weeks of FYP and it's already Week 9 now. Time really flies!
Alright, shall talk more about my proj. I'm doing some mobile applications that uses GPS to track our location and navigation.
What I've done so far are creating our own maps, changing the interface of our program, and we are now working on searching the location using places of interest. Well, those of you who own a PDA and drive a car would most probably heard of it before. We had a hard time figuring out how to draw our own map. It's very tedious but we managed to draw from Yio Chu Kang to AMK where our school is situated in.
Well, I really enjoyed my FYP. Although having a little hard time doing proj but at least I learned a new programming language and know to draw our own maps! Most importantly we have friendly and funny DTs whom sometimes really make my day! Not to forget my friends who make my FYP more meaningful! Well, I guess that's all! Hope u all won't be bored after reading. Bye bye and have a nice day!
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