"The OGL Training Camp is one of the BEST camp I have attended. It instilled great discipline and also at the same time, allowing us to be trained to be OGL."
AJ"With this training camp, I understand how a team should work and how to solve conflicts among each other. Also, I discovered that being in a team gives me a sense of belonging. This camp is definitely an important stage before the planning stage for the Freshman Orientation 2009. "
Audrey"Other than teamwork, discipline is another important thing I learn from this Orientation Group Leadership Camp. We must have self discipline to be able to complete the task on hand which we will continue the flow of the other works. This will also contribute to the overall development of the project on hand. In short, this Orientation Group Leadership Training Camp helps us bond with each other and we learn to adapt with one another. This way, we benefit and be able to cover each other’s back."
Jung Meng"I learnt a lot of things in the camp. One of it will be the importance of teamwork, without teamwork, we will not be able to complete the games. Teamwork is also important as as long as we all stand up for each other, One For All, All For One, nothing is impossible at all!"
Ethel"After this camp, I have a new view for being a ogl. Starting, I thought joining ogl is just having fun and making new friends, but now I think being an ogl is not an easy job, they are a lot of responsibility. Even though being ogl is tough, I never regret joining."
Eugene"Every camp is all about having fun, making friends and enjoying the games. However, this camp, known as the Orientation Group Leader training camp, is totally different from a normal camp. This camp ensures the total greatness in emphasising team bonding and spirit."
Fathur "Personally I feel that this camp really bond us together."
Shi Yong"The camp allows us to create a unique bond of friendship among our fellow OGLs. It has a very unique way of instilling the different values that we need to know. Though it was tiring but all in all it was worth it. It also proves that not everything can be learnt in a typical classroom or lecture environment. Most poly students are also “hands on people”. Hence the camp is a very good for poly students."
Hannah"... the seniors always give us good encouragement whenever we felt like giving up."
Hazip"This camp let us come together and have a common goal to strive together. We learnt to compromise and communicate with one another to solve problems. Discipline is also one of the things that I learnt. We must have self-discipline to finish all the work that we are assigned to before we play. There’s a time to play and time to work."
Iris"In NYP, we were given a chance to lead the new batch of freshmen around the school. But nobody is born a leader. We need training. I feel that the trainings and the programmes benefits us a lot. It teaches us almost all the attributes in being a good leader. I was in a uniform group and I think that this camp is even better than my previous training camp. It really let me know myself better."
Jun Ye"The deepest impression I had was when we had to present on the situational scenario and our team only came up with only 5 ideas, each person 1 idea ... Being a shy girl, it was a challenge for me to present straight and explain to the seniors and Ms Cynthia my points. But however nervous I was, when it’s my turn to say my points, words just flew out fluently. Never did I imagine that I can do that in front of crowds! It was a breakthrough for me but nevertheless, I still got a long way to do before I can express myself better."
Ai TongOGL Training Camp 2009 was organised by students in the Multimedia & Infocomm Club. The above highly condensed quotes are just their sharing. Expect Part 2, Part 3, ... Part x ... :)